Star Trek: The Original Series episodes rated by how much Spock/McCoy content they contain

Where No Man Has Gone Before **
(the one with silver eyes)
1x03 02 1312.4
  • N/A
Mudd's Women *
(the one with the sparkly women)
1x06 04 1329.1
  • 2/5
  • Spock is disgusted by McCoy being attracted to women
  • Spock shows a mocking smile when McCoy is trying to explain what's happening with the women
The Corbomite Maneuver ***
(the one with the baby alien)
1x10 03 1512.2
  • 1/5
  • "Would love to teach it [poker] to you one day."
  • (K/Mc: McCoy getting on Kirk's case about Bailey, Kirk telling him off, McCoy coming to the bridge to apologize but Kirk apologizes first)
The Man Trap **
(the one with the salt monster)
1x01 06 1513.1
  • 0/5
  • (K/Mc: "Plum", Kirk snapping at McCoy for reminiscing about an old love but apologizing first and McCoy apologizing too)
Charlie X **
(the one with the superpowered kid raised by aliens)
1x02 08 1533.6
  • 3/5
  • Bickering about whether the mythical aliens exist or not, McCoy perched at Spock's station
  • Teaming up and working in sync to sabotage Charlie
The Enemy Within **
(the one with the unicorn dog and two Kirks)
1x05 05 1672.1
  • 1/5
  • Off-screen, McCoy goes to Spock to discuss Kirk acting weird
The Naked Time ***
(the one where they get drunk)
1x04 07 1704.2
  • 2/5
  • McCoy gives Spock a medical examination / "As for my anatomy being different from yours, I am delighted."
Balance of Terror ***
(the one with the Romulans)
1x14 09 1709.1
  • 1/5
  • Spock saying attack, McCoy becoming angrily indignant at the prospect of provoking a war
  • (K/Mc: McCoy visits Kirk in his darkest hour, puts a hand on his shoulder, and tells him not to die)
The Squire of Gothos **
(the one with Trelane)
1x17 18 2124.5
  • 2/5
  • "Doesn't surprise me, Mister Spock. I can't imagine a mirage ever disturbing those mathematically perfect brain waves of yours." / "Thank you, Doctor McCoy."
  • Fingers touching accidentally as Spock sits in the captain's chair
What are Little Girls Made Of? **
(the one with Chapel's fiance and robots)
1x07 10 2712.4
  • N/A
Miri **
(the one where only the kids survived)
1x08 12 2713.5
  • 3/5
  • They work together to develop the vaccine
  • Spock calls what they do "bickering"
  • When McCoy falls over, Spock places a hand to his chest, holds his head to check his pupils, checks his pulse, and holds his hands tenderly, then holds his head again as the blemishes fade
Dagger of the Mind **
(the one with corrective therapy at a penal colony)
1x09 11 2715.1
  • 3/5
  • McCoy saunters over to Spock unprovoked to discuss the history of violence
  • They spend most of the episode together investigating Van Gelder
  • (K/Mc: McCoy leaning in close over the captain's chair to chat)
The Conscience of the King **
(the one with the genocidal Shakespear actor)
1x13 13 2817.6
  • 4/5
  • Spock goes to McCoy to discuss Kirk acting weird, and McCoy keeps trying to make him have a drink
  • Spock touches McCoy's arm casually while discussing Kodos
  • McCoy defends Spock when Kirk reprimands him for getting in his personal business
  • It's obvious that by this point, Spock and McCoy consider each other their first choice to discuss and investigate any serious matter
The Galileo Seven ***
(the one where the shuttle crashes)
1x16 14 2821.5
  • 4/5
  • Intense discussions about logic vs. human nature
  • Spock touches McCoy's (and Scotty's) shoulder as he walks past
  • McCoy (and Boma) immeadiately rushes to get Spock when he becomes injured
  • The fond smile on McCoy's face when he tells Spock his actions were "all human"
  • (K/Mc: McCoy leaning in close over the captain's chair to chat)
Court Martial **
(the one where an old friend frames Kirk)
1x20 15 2947.3
  • 2/5
  • McCoy barges in on Spock playing chess and accuses him of being the most cold-blooded man he knows / "Why, thank you, Doctor"
  • (K/Mc: Kirk and McCoy go to a bar together — and McCoy appears to use Kirk being his friend as a pick-up line)
The Menagerie, Pt. I ***
(clip show, pt. 1)
1x11 16 3012.4
  • 3/5
  • McCoy passionately defends Spock to Kirk who believes Spock might have sabotaged the ship
  • Spock involves McCoy in his plot to bring Pike to Talos IV, and gives himself up to be arrested by McCoy
The Menagerie, Pt. II **
(clip show, pt. 2)
1x12 16 3013.1
  • N/A
Catspaw **
(the one with space wizards)
2x07 30 3018.2
  • 1/5
  • McCoy curls his arm around Spock as they're blown away by the wind
Shore Leave **
(the one on the planet where random things happen)
1x15 17 3025.3
  • 0/5
Arena ***
(the one with the Gorn)
1x18 19 3045.6
  • 3/5
  • "Doctor, you are a sensualist." / "You bet your pointed ears I am."
  • Heavy interaction while McCoy is on the bridge
  • McCoy stands behind Spock in the captain's chair with his hands on its back
  • McCoy's hand reaching out for Spock's as Spock gets up from the chair
The Alternative Factor *
(the one with two versions of the same guy fighting)
1x27 20 3087.6
  • 0/5
Tomorrow is Yesterday **
(the one in the 1960s with the Airforce pilot)
1x19 21 3113.2
  • 3/5
  • McCoy grins and defends Spock when Spock cracks a joke and it offends Christopher
  • "I made an error in my computation." / "Oh? This could be an historic occasion."
  • A lot of frustrated interaction about Kirk being missing
  • (K/S/Mc: "Now you're sounding like Spock." / "If you're gonna get nasty, I'm gonna leave.")
Space Seed ***
(the one with Khan)
1x22 24 3141.9
  • 1/5
  • McCoy baits Spock about being the sort of scientist who would support eugenics
The Return of the Archons *
(the one with the Landru brainwashing cult)
1x21 22 3156.2
  • 2/5
  • Spock mind-melds with a brainwashed McCoy
A Taste of Armageddon **
(the one where people are killed in a computer-simulated war)
1x23 23 3192.1
  • 0/5
The Devil in the Dark ***
(the one with the Horta)
1x25 26 3196.1
  • 2/5
  • Arguing about the possibility of silicone-based life / "I have already given Dr. McCoy sufficient cause for amusement."
  • McCoy makes a teasing comment about Spock's ears
Errand of Mercy ***
(the one with Klingons and a pacifist planet)
1x26 27 3198.4
  • N/A
The Gamesters of Triskelion **
(the one with the three gambling brains)
2x16 46 3211.7
  • 3/5
  • A lot of frustrated interaction about Kirk being missing
  • "Hope? I always thought that was a human failing, Mr. Spock." / "True, Doctor. Constant exposure does result in a certain degree of contamination."
  • "The first time you've ever asked me for anything and it has to be an occasion like this."
  • "Well, Mr. Spock, if you're going into the lion's den, you'll need a medical officer." / "Daniel, as I recall, had only his faith. But I welcome your company, Doctor."
Metamorphosis ***
(the one where an alien is in love with Cochrane)
2x09 31 3219.4
  • 2/5
  • McCoy finds and rushes over to a hurt Spock
  • McCoy puts a hand on Spock's knee
The City on the Edge of Forever ***
(the one in the 1930s with Joan Collins)
1x28 28 3220-3287? Unknown
  • 1/5
  • They shake hands when they reunite
  • (McCoy's combat abilities check: knocks out a man with two chops while high)
Operation — Annihilate! **
(the one with the brain slugs)
1x29 29 3287.2
  • 4/5
  • McCoy performs surgery on Spock and Spock lies there, gasping into a pillow
  • Mccoy examines Spock / "Doctor, your medical skill and curiosity are quite admirable, but I assure you, I'm all right."
  • When McCoy blinds Spock, McCoy is devastated; Spock tries to ease McCoy's deep guilt by thanking him for relieving him of pain
  • "Please don't tell Spock I said he was the best first officer in the fleet." / "Why thank you, Doctor McCoy."
Mirror, Mirror ***
(the mirror universe one)
2x04 39 3288-3372? Unknown
  • 4/5 (Mirror Spock/McCoy), 2/5 (Spock/McCoy)
  • McCoy grabs Mirror Spock's torso from behind
  • McCoy insists on saving Mirror Spock's life although he risks being stuck in the Mirror Univese, and Kirk looks at him with a smile and insinuates that Mirror Spock reminds McCoy too much of the real Spock for McCoy to let him die
  • Mirror Spock grabs McCoy's wrist and forces a mind meld and it's very intense
  • McCoy teases Spock about Mirror Spock's beard being a marked improvement
  • (K/Mc: McCoy casually wipes blood from Kirk's chin)
Amok Time ***
(the one with pon farr)
2x01 34 3372.7
  • 3/5
  • McCoy is the first to notice something is wrong with Spock
  • McCoy puts a hand on Spock's arm as he gently urges him to get examined
  • "It's obvious that you've surmised my problem, Doctor, and my compliments on your insight."
  • "I also request McCoy accompany me." / "I shall be honored, sir."
  • McCoy teases Spock about his emotional reaction to seeing Kirk alive
This Side of Paradise ***
(the one where Spock is in love and McCoy is Southern)
1x24 25 3417.3
  • 1/5
  • When Spock is under the influence of the spores, Kirk points out to McCoy that McCoy said he might like Spock more if Spock mellowed out
  • (McCoy's combat abilities check: decks a man with a punch to the stomach)
The Changeling **
(the one with not!V-Ger)
2x03 37 3451.9
  • 1/5
Who Mourns for Adonais? **
(the one with Apollo)
2x02 33 3468.1
  • 0/5
The Deadly Years **
(the one where they grow old)
2x12 40 3478.2
  • 2/5
  • "I'm not a magician, Spock, just an old country doctor." / "Yes, as I always suspected."
Friday's Child **
(the one where McCoy delivers a baby)
2x11 32 3497.2
  • 3/5
  • Spock sees Eleen holding McCoy's hand, McCoy pulls back his hand immediately as though guilty, and Spock makes a face
  • McCoy tries to get Spock to hold the baby he just delivered
  • (K/Mc: Kirk chews McCoy out unjustly, apologizes for it)
Wolf in the Fold *
(the one where Scotty is Jack the Ripper)
2x14 36 3614.9
  • 0/5
Obsession **
(the one with the cloud monster)
2x13 47 3619.2
  • 2/5
  • Spock goes to McCoy in the lab to discuss Kirk's obsession, then they work together to address the situation: "I need your advice." / "Then I need a drink."
  • After Spock saves Kirk: "Thank pitchforks and pointed ears!"
  • (K/Mc: McCoy vists Kirk's quarters to discuss Kirk's feelings of guilt and regret)
The Apple **
(the one with the awkward sex talk)
2x05 38 3715.0
  • 3/5
  • "Doctor McCoy's potion is acting like all his potions, turning my stomach. Other than that, I am quite well." / "If your blood were red instead of green, you wouldn't have an upset stomach."
  • Repeated, heated debate about cultural relativism and non-interference
  • McCoy holds Spock's arm to help him up
  • (K/Mc: Kirk grabbing McCoy's shoulder really intensely)
Journey to Babel ***
(the one with Spock's parents)
2x10 44 3842.3
  • 3/5
  • Spock shows McCoy how to do the Vulcan salute
  • McCoy asks Amanda about Spock's childhood, then teases Spock about having a "teddy bear"
  • Arguing about Sarek's surgery and whether Spock should give blood
  • (K/Mc: McCoy hangs out in Kirk's quarters as they get into dress uniforms)
Bread and Circuses **
(the one with gladiators in space)
2x25 43 4040.7
  • 5/5
  • Constant bickering
  • McCoy using the word "logical" repeatedly just to get at Spock
  • Spock refuses to hurt the gladiator he's fighting until the moment McCoy is in danger, then immediately beats down the gladiator to save McCoy
  • Every single moment of their interaction in the holding cell
The Doomsday Machine ***
(the one with Seth Hazlitt)
2x06 35 4202.9
  • 2/5
  • McCoy protests Spock being relieved of duty and they try to conspire to relieve Decker
A Private Little War *
(the one with McCoy's arms)
2x19 45 4211.4
  • 2/5
  • McCoy holds Spock's arm after he is hurt and then cuts his uniform open to operate on him
  • When McCoy finds out Spock survived his injuries, he beams and exclaims "Spock, you're alive!"
  • (K/Mc: They go down on an away mission together, have heated arguments, McCoy touches Kirk's bare chest sensually, the whole episode)
A Piece of the Action **
(the one with gangsters)
2x17 49 4212-4307? Unknown
  • 4/5
  • During the drive-by shooting, McCoy crouches behind Spock and clutches at his waist
  • McCoy and Spock get along splendidly, work together, exchange knowing glances, and hang out in close proximity all through the episode
  • McCoy praises Spock's neck pinching then coyly asks Spock if he can also fix the radio; Spock looks pleased
  • (McCoy's combat abilities check: chops a man unconscious)
The Immunity Syndrome **
(the one with the giant space amoeba)
2x18 48 4307.1
  • 5/5
  • McCoy rushes to Spock's side when Spock experiences pain on the bridge
  • Intense discussion on whether Spock really could have felt the 400 Vulcans die
  • Intense discussion on who is more qualified to examine the amoeba on a suicide mission
  • Spock knows McCoy very well by this point: "You have a martyr complex, Doctor. I submit it disqualifies you."
  • "Then imploy one of your own superstitions. Wish me luck." / (after Spock has left) "Good luck, Spock."
  • This bothers Spock so much he later makes a jab: "Tell Doctor McCoy he should have wished me luck."
  • McCoy smiles fondly when Spock makes a jab that McCoy would not have survived entering the amoeba
  • McCoy grins stupidly when it turns out Spock is alive (twice)
  • "Shut up, Spock, we're rescuing you!" / "Why thank you, Captain McCoy."
Elaan of Troyius *
(the one that's taming the shrew in space)
3x13 57 4372.5
  • 2/5
  • When something is wrong with Kirk, Spock and McCoy show up together to talk to him (as always)
  • McCoy comes rushing to Spock with a smile when he finds the antidote
  • "In this particular instance, Doctor, I agree with you."
Patterns of Force **
(the one with Nazis)
2x21 52 4373-4385? Unknown
  • 2/5
  • The episode opens with McCoy standing next to Spock at his station for no reason
  • Spock scolds McCoy for his "emotionalism" and instructs him on how to put on a boot
  • McCoy and Spock taunting each other and escalating their bickering about human dictators until Kirk stops them
Spectre of the Gun **
(the one in the old West)
3x06 56 4385.3
  • 4/5
  • A frustrated McCoy niggles Spock about being unfeeling about Chekov's death; Spock admits he is half human and has feelings
  • Spock praises McCoy's ingenuity in a roundabout way, McCoy thinks for a moment and then smiles, pleased
  • Spock mind melds with McCoy and it's very intense, their faces close and Spock mouthing the words McCoy is speaking
The Omega Glory *
(the one with America)
2x23 54 4386-4513? Unknown
  • 1/5
I, Mudd ***
(the Mudd sequel with robots)
2x08 41 4513.3
  • 3/5
  • The episode opens with Spock and McCoy strolling down the corridor together in the morning, McCoy inadvetently insults Spock then tries very hard to patch it up, Spock returns his insults (basically a romantic comedy of errors)
  • McCoy taunts Spock about how the illogical humans have defeated the logical robots so now Spock has to live with the illogical humans; "Which I find eminently satisfactory, Doctor, for nowhere am I so desperately needed."
The Trouble with Tribbles ***
(the one with the tribbles)
2x15 42 4523.3
  • 3/5
  • They study the tribbles together in the lab; "There is something disquieting about these creatures." / "Oh? Don't tell me you've got a feeling." / "Don't be insulting, Doctor."
  • They get into an argument about Humans enjoying pleasant things although they might not have a practical purpose; McCoy blurts out that he likes the tribbles more than he likes Spock, and Spock insults him back that at least the tribbles don't talk too much
Assignment: Earth *
(the back-door pilot)
2x26 55 4524-4657? Unknown
  • 1/5
By Any Other Name **
(the one with tentacle aliens)
2x22 50 4657.5
  • 3/5
  • When the alien throws Spock back, McCoy rushes to Spock's side and holds him, helps him up, and helps him to walk with an arm around his waist
  • McCoy grabs and cradles Spock when Spock pretends to be sick
  • Spock slaps McCoy's shoulder to get his attention
  • After everything ends well, McCoy nudges Spock's shoulder with a happy grin and bounce
The Ultimate Computer **
(the one with the ultimate computer)
2x24 53 4729.4
  • 2/5
  • Spock insults McCoy by saying it's regrettable a computer can't replace a ship's surgeon
  • "Please, Spock, do me a favor, and don't say it's fascinating." / "No, it is... interesting." (McCoy rolls his eyes)
  • "It would be most interesting to impress your memory engrams on a computer, doctor. The resulting torrential flood of illogic would be most entertaining."
  • (K/Mc: McCoy supports Kirk all through Kirk's doubt about his usefulness as a captain)
Return to Tomorrow **
(the one where Kirk, Spock, and Diana Muldaur are possessed)
2x20 51 4768.3
  • 1/5
  • Spock touches McCoy to stop him as McCoy steps forward
  • When Henoch is surprised Vulcans haven't conquered Humans, McCoy is indignant and says "Vulcans worship peace above all."
The Paradise Syndrome **
(the one with the Indians)
3x03 58 4842.6
  • 3/5
  • After Kirk disappears, Spock and McCoy spend most of the episode together with McCoy by Spock's side on the bridge
  • Despite berating Spock for his command decisions, McCoy repeatedly insists he rests and takes care of himself
Day of the Dove **
(the one with Klingons on the Enterprise)
3x07 66 4843-5027? Unknown
  • 2/5
  • "Gentleman, if we are pawns, you are looking at one who is extremely sorry." / "I understand. I, too, felt a brief surge of racial bigotry. Most distasteful."
  • (McCoy's combat abilities check: he can sword fight)
And The Children Shall Lead *
(the one where kids eat ice cream)
3x04 60 5027.3
  • 0/5
The Enterprise Incident **
(the one where Spock goes undercover on a Romulan ship)
3x02 59 5031.3
  • 1/5
The Empath ***
(the one where McCoy is tortured)
3x12 63 5121.0
  • 3/5
  • When McCoy falls as they're running away, Spock grabs him and helps him up
  • They each want to be tortured so the other will survive
  • After their heated argument about who should be tortured, Gem reads Spock's emotions and smiles, likely feeling how much Spock cares
  • Spock keeps his hand on McCoy all through McCoy being near death
  • Spock admits that it's his and Kirk's strong feelings about McCoy's near death that fuels the force field
The Mark of Gideon **
(the one where aliens want Kirk's disease)
3x16 72 5423.4
  • 2/5
  • As usual when Kirk is missing, McCoy spends the episode hanging out on the bridge by Spock's side
Spock's Brain ***
(the one with Spock's brain)
3x01 61 5431.4
  • 3/5
  • McCoy about Spock when Spock can't hear: "that incredible Vulcan physique" / "that tremendous brain"
  • McCoy operates on Spock's brain and they bicker, them Spock congratulates him on his skills
For The World Is Hollow, And I Have Touched The Sky **
(the one where McCoy is dying and gets married)
3x08 65 5476.3
  • 2/5
  • After Kirk tells him about McCoy's illness, Spock grips McCoy's arm for a very long time until McCoy sits up and he has to let go
  • When McCoy passes out, Spock kneels by his side and stays there for a long time
Is There In Truth No Beauty? **
(the one where Diana Muldaur is blind)
3x05 62 5630.7
  • 2/5
  • Spock tells Miranda about McCoy's complaints about the transporter
  • They bicker over drinks
  • Spock flirts with Uhura / McCoy: "That's not Spock!" / Spock insults him / McCoy: "That's Spock!"
  • McCoy rushes to Spock's side and holds his arm, twice
The Tholian Web **
(the one where Kirk is caught in a dimentional rift)
3x09 64 5693.4
  • 4/5
  • When Kirk goes missing, initially McCoy is the person Spock turns to as his confidant
  • "I have confidence that you will soon isolate the cause, Doctor."
  • Several high-tension confrontations as they disagree on the best course of action
  • Kirk's last orders to Spock and McCoy basically tells them "you complete each other so stop bickering and help each other"
  • McCoy collapses and Spock grabs him under his arms and holds him up
  • They drink the antidote and smile/stare at the other for a very long time
  • They both pretend they never watched Kirk's last orders because they're embarrassed by how he saw right through them
That Which Survives *
(the one where a computer clones the same woman over and over)
3x17 69 5694-5710? Unknown
  • 1/5
  • "Beauty is transitory, Doctor. However, she was evidently highly intelligent."
Wink of an Eye **
(the one where aliens move really fast)
3x11 68 5710.5
  • 2/5
  • They work together to through the episode to create an antidote
Whom Gods Destroy **
(the one in the insane asylum)
3x14 71 5718.3
  • 0/5
The Lights of Zetar *
(the one with Memory Alpha)
3x18 73 5725.3
  • 1/5
  • Kirk teases them about finally agreeing about something
Let That Be Your Last Battlefield **
(the one with the black/white aliens)
3x15 70 5730.2
  • 1/5
  • Spock insults McCoy's treatment of Lokai
Plato's Stepchildren ***
(the one with mental torture and humiliation)
3x10 67 5784.0
  • 2/5
  • When the Plutonians force Spock to display emotions, McCoy begs them to stop as it will destroy him
  • Later, both Kirk and McCoy attempt to console Spock
The Cloud Minders **
(the one with classist assholes in the sky castle)
3x21 74 5818.4
  • 1/5
The Way to Eden *
(the one with the hippies)
3x20 75 5832.3
  • 0/5
Requiem for Methuselah ***
(the one where Spock erases Kirk's memories)
3x19 76 5843.7
  • 3/5
  • When they're attacked, Spock grabs McCoy's arm to push him out of danger
  • McCoy teases Spock about how he doesn't want alcohol to corrupt his mathematically perfect brain waves, Spock asks for a brandy, McCoy is surprised but clearly pleased / "Do you think the two of us can handle a drunk Vulcan?"
  • McCoy says he feels sorry for Spock that he can neither feel the highest highs nor the lowest lows of love
The Savage Curtain **
(the one with Lincoln, Surak, and Kahless)
3x22 77 5906.4
  • 1/5
  • Arguing at the officers' meeting
Turnabout Intruder **
(the one where Kirk switches bodies with an old girlfriend)
3x24 79 5928.5
  • 2/5
  • As usual when something is wrong with Kirk, Spock and McCoy rely on each other to solve it
All Our Yesterdays **
(the one where Spock choke-holds McCoy)
3x23 78 5943.7
  • 5/5
  • Spock touches McCoy constantly: puts a hand to his back and arm, cradles his head and body, pulls him up with a hand under his arm, drags him with a arm around his waist, pulls up his legs, tucks him in, touches his hair and face in worry, etc.
  • "Leave me here, Spock." / "We go together or not at all."
  • Spock rests his hands on either side of McCoy's body on the bed and looms over him as they talk
  • McCoy tries to bicker with Spock then side-eyes him when he doesn't respond in kind as usual
  • Spock grabs McCoy by the collar and their faces are inches apart
  • McCoy realizes why Spock is acting strange and provokes him until Spock snaps and chokes him, forcing Spock to realize that he's not acting like himself
  • They stand in close proximity with McCoy's hand around Spock's arm and Spock's hand on McCoy's shoulder

funny unintentional stardate sequenses

Kirk gets court martialed. And then Spock gets court martialed.

Spock gets a divorce, then immediately gets into a rebound relationship. (Unlike the airing order, this does solve the problem of him cheating on T'Pring.)

continuity errors in stardate order


my personal top 10 episodes

5 episodes I never want to watch again

created by @palpunte